Infrastructure Asset Management for Joint Use: The Basics


How can you simplify joint use asset management?

Our guide shares essential information to support joint use professionals, including:

  • The basics of joint use asset management
  • Joint use challenges and solutions such as overloading, double poles, unauthorized attachments, damage, and backlogs
  • The future of joint use asset management

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Alden Joint Use: The Basics


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The Basics Page 6

Unlock Strategies to Streamline Joint Use Management

If managing service equipment and contracts from multiple service providers feels like a juggling act, this is designed for you.

 With the rapid deployment of Broadband in the U.S., businesses must improve processes to take advantage of the new opportunities that come with growth.

Inside this guide, you’ll find solutions to common issues that joint use professionals face every day.

  • Ensure timely transfers
  • Manage attachment contracts
  • Maintain poles more effectively