A Guide to Navigating the Challenges of 5G Deployment  


With 5G deployment ramping up, so are demands on utility stakeholders. Find out how to overcome challenges while creating efficiency to become more competitive.

It’s widely recognized that access to reliable high-speed broadband is necessary to participate in the twenty-first century digital economy.

For businesses delivering 5G services, the current climate is booming—and sometimes frustrating. Greater numbers and new types of assets, rapid changes in technologies, and more frequent joint use interactions and requests make the job of 5G deployment more complex.

Despite support, however, there are very real obstacles that the joint use industry must overcome, including:

  • How to do more with less
  • How to manage the sheer volume of asset data
  • How to better collaborate with project partners
A Guide to Navigating the Challenges of 5G Deployment


5G Deployment Guide Page 3
5G Deployment Guide Page 11
5G Deployment Guide Page 23

Drive Efficiency

Discover concrete steps you can begin now to make solid efficiency gains in the future. Learn about:

  • Initiatives in place helping to streamline deployment
  • How to break down information silos that can disrupt progress
  • Strategies for overcoming a shortage of labor and resources
  • Ways to effectively manage increasing volumes of requests